About Chaparral
At Chaparral Elementary School, we consider ourselves a community of learners, which includes students, staff, parents, and business/community partnerships. Through this process, we are preparing our students to be critical thinkers and problem solvers. Our students experience a balanced, rigorous, and challenging curriculum that allows for individual differences and fosters responsible citizenship in a safe and orderly environment.
Chaparral Elementary School was recognized as a 2019 Gold Medal recipient, and a 2021, 2022, and 2023 Platinum Medal recipient for Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS), a 2014 California Business for Education Excellence Honor Roll School, and a 2010 California Distinguished School. Two “signature practices” that contribute to these special awards were:
Improving academic performance
Addressing the social-emotional needs of a balanced student
The Claremont Unified School District (CUSD) has a powerful and simple, yet comprehensive and meaningful motto: “Inspiring Students of Today, Leaders of Tomorrow.” Chaparral incorporates this mission statement into our own motto, “All students will experience success every day.”
You will find our staff eager and capable of providing your child with excellent programs of instruction and a warm, caring environment in which to grow. Together with our parents/partners in education, we have high expectations for our students in academics and citizenship. Students learn through an integrated curriculum in which language arts, mathematics, history/social studies, science, physical education, art, and music develop together through thematic units which often incorporate technology and that support the California State Standards (recently referred to as the Common Core State Standards) and the CUSD Goals.
Technology integration is a priority at Chaparral Elementary. We have a new Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics. (STEAM) lab that is utilized by all classrooms and incorporates the Next Generation Science Standards. Ceiling mounted projectors in all classrooms display curricular content from each teacher's document camera and computer/iPad. Every teacher has an iPad and is trained to use iPads to enhance instruction and student engagement. Classrooms in grades 3-6 have daily access to one-to-one iPad carts. Classrooms in grades k-2 also have 6 iPads for student use and access to a rolling cart of 24 iPads.
Meeting the needs of the whole child is also important at Chaparral. Each student visits our library weekly where an engaging environment and thousands of current book titles can be found. We also are fortunate to have several other exciting, quality programs at Chaparral. We have an outstanding credentialed Physical Education teacher and three paraprofessionals to assist him for upper-grade students, a vocal music specialist who meets with every class weekly, and the very popular Donfrio Art program.
We recognize that a successful school experience is compounded by the shared responsibility between home and school. Parents/caregivers are their child’s first teachers and what parents do with their children at home has a powerful influence on their performance at school. Our goal is to work closely with our students and parents/caregivers to ensure the best possible education to meet the needs of our diverse and talented students.
Chaparral Elementary School is located in southern California about thirty miles east of Los Angeles. Nestled in the San Gabriel Valley and the city of Claremont, Chaparral School is within walking distance of the seven Claremont Colleges. Chaparral Elementary School historically serves approximately 670 students in grades kindergarten through sixth. Chaparral is a high performing school with a culturally rich student population.

Vision Statement
Chaparral is a community dedicated to fostering academic excellence while building character, celebrating diversity, and nurturing the whole child.
Chaparral's Motto
All students will experience success every day.