Welcome to the Library
Last year our students read over 157 million words, our goal for 2024-25 is to top that amazing achievement! Our library is extremely well supported by our PFA with both volunteers and fund raising. Please stop into room 8 any day if you'd like to help out too.
The purpose of Accelerated Reader is to encourage practice reading on a regular basis, which will increase skills and promote a love of reading. As part of your reading grade, you will have PERSONAL READING GOALS for each trimester. The three parts of your goal are AVERAGE % CORRECT, POINTS EARNED, and AVERAGE BOOK LEVEL. We hope you will work towards your personal reading goals to find the enjoyment that reading a good book can bring AND to earn a reading certificate to be awarded during the Library Awards week in June.
The library opens and AR quizzing starts September 3, 2024. Every week try to quiz on at least one AR book in your ZPD. Passing is 60% for a quiz with 10 questions or less, 70% for a quiz with more than 10 questions. You can also quiz during Thanksgiving, Winter and Spring break weeks, M-F between 8 and 3, this extra credit time will only count towards your reading goals. There will not be a trophy for quizzing every week, however, during your library time the last week of the trimester, there will be a fun library activity for everyone in your class.
As you take quizzes, words are counted. If you reach One Million Words your name will be in the morning announcements and a certificate presented to you during your regular library time that week. A Million Word pin will be awarded during Library Awards week in June.
Another opportunity to shine is the Library Genre Challenge. Each month, September through May choose a book in your level from our 12 genres: Realistic Fiction, Science Fiction, Humor/Graphix, Mystery/Ghost Stories, Historical Fiction, Fantasy/Fairy Tales, Sports, Animal Stories, Action/Adventure, Classics/Award Winner, Biography, Non-Fiction. Be sure to pick from a different genre each month. Once you finish the book and pass the AR quiz, record the title in the library. If you beat the challenge with 9 different genres a Genre Challenge plaque will be awarded during the Library Awards week in June.
If you have any questions, please see Mrs. Christenson in the library or email